As a victim of crime or witness for the prosecution, you may be asked to attend a meeting at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).

This is known as a ‘proofing’.

In most cases you will have a proofing meeting early in the legal process, and then again before the trial to help prepare you to give evidence.

Sometimes you might have to attend more – it depends on the complexity of the case.

Where to go

Most proofing meetings take place at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions:

Level 12, GPO Exchange
10 Franklin Street

In certain circumstances, a proofing meeting may occur in a location more convenient to you.

If you live in a remote or regional area, the proofing may take place at a police station closer to you (e.g. Port Augusta or Mount Gambier).

You will be told the date, time and location beforehand.

If you need help to attend, speak with the Investigating Officer at SAPOL about your circumstances.

Learn what to expect.